
The mission: To secure human basic needs and assist users in reaching self-actualization The vision: Build the world's first Human Stock Exchange that allows users to monetize their data, activities and goals. The goal: Raise 50k $ to launch the platform. The objectives: 1- Have an online persona as a concept. 2- Apply in 17/100 grants 3- Reach out to 0/1000 investors 4- Spent 515/10.000 hours working towards HSE Activities: 1.1- Publish my data daily and allow shareholders to decide for future app development and my life. 1.2- Upload content in multiple platforms under "Filtering Information" brand. 2- Contact investors and participate in fundraising events. 3- Do other side projects/tasks weekly to gather funds. Measures: 1- Data published on X, Patreon, and as NFTs. 2- Content uploaded on YouTube, X, TikTok or Meta under these 5 accounts ( Filtering Info, Filtering Crypto / Airdrops, Filtering AI news, Filtering Products ). 3- Result viewable on Scrum Board. Outcomes: Having the whitepaper published, an online presence with multiple accounts on different platforms, progress visible on the Scrum Board and my data to back it up. * things will change from time to time, except our mission & vision.

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